DScaler Shared Pulldown Settings

Shared settings for the pulldown detection routines. THe setings here have been tested over a wide variety of material and many of the other prameteres will change if these are adjusted. It is not recommended that any of these parameters are changed.

Setting Default Description
Bit Shift 12 Used by the field difference method, the square of the differnce is right shifted by this amount.
Comb Edge Detect 625 Not currently used
Comb Jaggie Threshold 73 Used by the comb detection routine to spot weave artifacts.
DiffThreshold 224 Not currently used
Chroma Detect OFF Increase accuaracy of film detection by using chroma information as well as luma. Switching this on uses more CPUO for film detection and may not improve results on VCR material.
Film Flip Delay 0 Number of field by which to delay flip, this can be used to align film modes with greedy video modes so that judder does not occur on transitions.